Thursday, September 1, 2011


      Wow, it’s been way too long since I’ve written. And in only 3 weeks we leave to go on outreach! Last week the April DTS came back from outreach, so I had the chance to talk to some of them about their experience. They also did a presentation for the base sharing about some of the ministries they did during the 2 months. It was amazing to see how they served people in different communities and nations. Seeing the pictures and hearing the stories made me so excited for our outreach! Also this week in class we really started preparing for outreach. We made an outline for each type of ministry we might be doing, like kids ministry, church services, prayer ministry, and evangelism. Now we just have to work on the details for each program. We’ve also been practicing dramas and dances like crazy. Our team has really come together during this time. Sometimes it’s frustrating because not everyone can participate in everything, but I believe each of the members of our team has a vital part in serving the people of Costa Rica and making the Lord known to them.
      Last week in class we talked about Biblical worldview, specifically about seeing the world through God’s eyes. It can be difficult, but when we begin to view people as God does, it allows us to reach out in a deeper way to these people. The speaker said something that really struck me this week: reality is a description of the truth, and our perception of reality is our worldview. For me the truth is God, and he is absolute. For some people who don’t know Christ, their reality is different than mine. Therefore their worldview is different because they see the world in a different light. An interesting way of looking at this is that everything is spiritual. Although the world is physical, it’s firstly spiritual because God created it. And all humans are spiritual beings because we are created in God’s image. We were born to love and praise the Lord.
      On Thursday we went to the University of Costa Rica to do short surveys about people’s beliefs and worldview. In small groups we walked around and asked people questions like “What is truth?” “Where do we go after we die?” and “Do you believe there is a God?”. The responses we got were interesting. One guy who talked to us said he thought truth was relative but God was absolute. I’m not sure how that works if God is truth. Another man said he thought all truth was relative, and he didn’t think God could exist because of all the bad things that happen. The third person we talked to was a strong Christian who said he had faith in God and God gives him purpose. I wasn’t sure what to think of this activity at first, because we were just asking to get an idea of what people think (not a real survey). It was hard for me sometimes to keep the conversation going in Spanish, but it stretched me to go beyond my comfort zone and it expanded my understanding of people. 
      God is challenging me to think about my own worldview in the context of my life. When I don’t know my purpose or have doubts about what I can contribute, I need to realize that He is in control. What is going to maintain my life is revelation from God. I should never doubt but instead surrender my worries and fears to God. We’re reading a book now about giving up our rights to Jesus. This basically means allowing Jesus to guide us and being obedient to him when he asks us to do something, whether it be giving away a material thing, sacrificing our time, or simply reaching out to a friend with kind words. One thing I’ve learned is that when God wants you to give something, he will confirm it. I had an incredible experience a couple weeks ago where I felt God telling me to give some money to a fellow student who had a need. I wasn’t sure when to give it to the person, so I put the amount in an envelope and waited for the right time. A few days later, the person shared with our small group the amount that she needed by a certain date – and it was the exact amount I had put in the envelope. This was the confirmation I needed. By trusting in God, he used me! 

 Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. I would appreciate prayer for energy and a good attitude for me - I've been tired and a bit stressed lately. Living in community is tough and stretches me daily, but the lessons and joys are worth it. And God has given my strength and patience. :) Hopefully I'll be writing more this weekend. But for now, nos vemos! 

Spanish word of the day: misericordia = mercy

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

1 comment:

  1. So great to see another post! I pray for you daily and I know that many other prayers are going up on your behalf from the Mt. Sinai community. Love and Peace.
